Shop ethically-made fashion brands.
● Shop ethically-made fashion brands.
● Opt for quality over quantity. The main problem with fast fashion is that it promotes consumerism and a ‘throwaway’ culture that relies on excessive consumption and wastefulness. So, when buying gifts, opt for fewer items of better quality. And you may want to consider asking your friends and family to do the same!
● Choose natural materials over synthetic ones. Fast fashion garments are typically made from synthetic fibres like polyester, nylon, spandex and acrylic – all of which use non-renewable petroleum in their production, increase the production of greenhouse gases, require large amounts of energy to make and don’t decompose easily once discarded.

What’s more, these fibres shed microplastics during every wash cycle which end up in waterways causing pollution in rivers and oceans that can damage marine life. On the other hand, natural materials such as cotton (organic or fair trade), linen (organic), hemp (organic), silk (peace silk) or wool (organic) are not just an eco-friendlier option but also provide superior comfort! Give handmade gifts instead of store-bought ones.
If you’re looking for a gift that is outside the box, handmade gifts are the way to go. In addition to being unique, one-of-a-kind, thoughtful, and personal, handmade items are sustainable and ethical options. They’re also affordable!

Think about it – instead of buying a store-bought item from a chain store catering to thousands of people at once, you can support an individual or small business and simultaneously support local designers making handmade items. Easter is just a few weeks away!

When it comes to giving gifts, there are lots of sustainable options available in the fashion industry that will definitely be welcomed by the receiver.
The first tip is to be informed and ask questions. This can apply to any gift. Asking questions means you are inquisitive about what the brand uses to make their products and how they do it. Being inquisitive might even put pressure on brands to improve their processes if not done well enough.
Second, look for quality over quantity when shopping for sustainable fashion gifts this Easter season. It is hard to find a good pair of jeans or shoes that last long in today’s world but when you actually find a pair, do not let them go! Buy more and reduce waste!
Third, avoid the big guys in the fashion industry; these big companies who are known for their fast fashion practices will probably have unsustainable Easter gifts so it’s best to stay away from them this season as much as possible!
The fourth tip involves looking into whether the material used by the brand you want to purchase from is sustainable or not and if they are transparent about it too? Let’s take an example here; some brands claim that they use “organic cotton” but if they don’t have a certificate to prove that it is organic or sustainable then think twice before purchasing because who knows what “organic cotton” really means without proof!
Lastly, check how transparent your favorite brands are about their production process because you need all this information before making any major purchases from them, especially during the Easter season!